The bonded warehouse & all the goods are subject to the supervision of the customs, and the goods are not allowed to enter and exit the warehouse without the approval of them. The operator of the bonded warehouse is responsible not only to the owner of the goods, but also to the customs.
We possess high-quality warehouse resources located in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Zhejiang(China), West Kelang(Malaysia), Bangkok(Thailand), Colombo(Sri Lanka), Nhava Sheva(India) etc. We can provide customers with warehousing, packaging replacement, labeling and other services.
Cargo coverage:
1) Imported goods for processing trade;
2) Transit goods;
3) Oil, materials and maintenance spare parts for vessels and aircrafts engaged in international voyages or flights;
4) Imported consignments of spare parts for maintenance of foreign products;
5) Goods temporarily stored by foreign business-people;
6) Ordinary trade goods that have not gone through customs clearance;
7) Other goods that have not gone through customs clearance and that are approved by the customs office.
Copyright @ 2025 Kingtrans Container Line(Shenzhen) CO., LTD